He also mentions that in the coming of Moshiah, Moshiah will give to each whatever he desires, be it gold, silver, or other physicality. Those who take Moshiah's offerings will remain too physical and corporeal to alight with the Moshiah (and the Tzaddikim who have drawn close to him) to Gan Eden.
I was thinking perhaps there is a relationship between the two statements. On the one hand, the Tzaddik no longer needs the physicality, but the poor people who still measure their wealth based on physicality, still needs the physical performance of the mitzwoth to purify their corporeality. Perhaps the people being left behind while the Tzaddikim go into Gan Eden doesn't signify a sad end, but rather another chance. The Tzaddikim leave the physical performance of the mitzwoth to these poor people, so that they too can rectify their physical body and eventually alight to Gan Eden.