He goes on to explain (Parashath Metzora) that when Tzaddikim learn or pray for the sake of HaShem, their souls are bound up in the words and alight to the heavens where they, the words and their souls, are united with the Torah and therefore with HaShem.
Moshe Rabbeinu was unique in that he was able to connect with HaShem through his voice. The simple sound of his voice would alight and unite with HaShem even before he would form words. This is the meaning of the saying that the Shechinah speaks from the throat of Mosheh. (ie. The throat where the sounds of speech are modulated)
It occurred to me while learning this that one could connect the two different Torahs and find a way for Tzaddikim to emulate and connect to Mosheh Rabbeinu without having to speak words that weren't Torah or Tefillah. Through singing or humming a niggun perhaps a Tzaddik can recuperate (from boredom or weariness) without having to talk words of musar with others, and later regret these words.