
denial at its best

This year was the first year that I noticed that Elul is always incredibly difficult for me. I never can get a functional schedule down and I never make it to slichot as often as I would like. This time, being aware of the impediment, I'm still working on a schedule but I haven't let it upset me, and I'm having the best Elul ever. Thank HaShem.

As my wife quoted Rav Kook to me this evening, when we remove all of the forces that try to depress our hearts, we find a brilliant happiness.

Sometimes it's enough to figure out what it is that's making your life so difficult and then to avoid it. That's one of the secrets to happiness, that is obvious and still we often fail to achieve it.

This is the best use for our over-grown powers of denial and procrastination--put off being depressed till later.


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