
Approaches to accessibility (my take)

Accessibility - the art (and almost-standard) of making webpages accessible to the vision-impaired as well as others.

  1. Augmented Accessibility: Initial page is fully accessible, then it is augmented with javascript to make it more usable.
    1. Example: load all expandable sections fully expanded, and then run javascript onload that contracts them.
    2. Why this is good: in the event of no javascript, the page is still entirely visible. Also doesn’t require too much extra development. Generally the easiest of all options to implement—generally.
    3. Why this is bad: potential flicker. More javascript code required in the app. Javascript is notoriously difficult to debug.
  2. Gracefully Degraded Accessibility: Initial page is more usable, with accessibility fall backs when javascript is absent.
    1. Example: load the sections contracted. The javascript-based links to expand the sections have a backup URL, in the event of no javascript, that reloads the page from the server with the selected section (or all sections) expanded.
    2. Why this is good: the usable page loads guaranteed without any flicker, we only accommodate the javascript-disabled crowd in the rare extremity that they exist.
    3. Why this is bad: more development time.
  3. Informed Accessibility: Initial page is more usable, unless a server flag indicates accessibility-compliance, and then the page conforms primarily to accessibility demands and only secondly to usability concerns.
    1. Example: loads all sections contracted. If a flag on the server is set, then all the sections are loaded expanded.
    2. Why this is good: doesn’t require too much extra dev time, and every user gets what is suited to him/her.
    3. Why this is bad: there are all kinds of dilemmas about how/when one sets this flag. My personal favorite is a ‘Simplified HTML’ option on the site that allows people to specify they want something not so flashy, but with all the information/functionality. (ie. Something Accessible.)


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